Orlistat: effects, benefits, side effects and price


[Article updated: August 2023]
If you’re looking to lose weight, then you’ve probably already heard of Orlistat.

In fact, it’s the most widely prescribed drug for the treatment of obesity and overweight.

It’s a pharmaceutical supplement that helps reduce body fat.

It is an effective weight-loss drug. It can be purchased freely online or prescribed by your doctor.


Among the benefits attributed to it:

  • Reduce fat and promote weight loss;
  • Lower cholesterol levels;
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes;
  • Improve glucose tolerance.

What is Orlistat?

Orlistat medicine boxOrlistat was approved by the European Commission in 1998 and by the FDA in 1999.

It is the only drug solution approved by health authorities to treat obesity.

It is also the only drug approved for long-term obesity treatment (up to one year) in the U.S. and Europe since sibutramine was banned in 2010.

Note that it is a pharmaceutical drug and should therefore be considered in this context. It therefore differs somewhat from other weight loss supplements sold online.

How does it work?

Orlistat acts locally in the intestine. It prevents the enzymes that break down fats in the intestine from absorbing them. It thus encourages the body to evacuate them by natural means.

In other words, it prevents the absorption of some of the fat in your diet.

It is estimated that it prevents the absorption of around 30% of the fat consumed.

By blocking these enzymes, fats retain their original shape. As a result, the body is unable to absorb them, as they are too large to pass through the intestinal wall.

This reduction in the amount of fat absorbed, therefore, leads to a reduction in energy intake. This prevents weight gain and optimizes the use of fat stored in the body.

Orlistat pharmacology

Orlistat is a non-selective inhibitor of enzymes known as lipases.

These enzymes are responsible for breaking down the fat present in food, making it easier to absorb [1].

Suppression of gastric and pancreatic lipases therefore leads to suppression of fat absorption.

It is estimated to reduce fat absorption by 25% to 30%.

This does not result in too great a loss of body weight. The potential loss can therefore be described as moderate, particularly when compared with other appetite-suppressing slimming agents.

A meta-analysis published in 2007 indicated that this drug can cause an average loss of body weight of only 2.9 kilograms per year [2].

Orlistat and scientific research

Orlistat has been the subject of numerous clinical trials, giving a good idea of its effects.

Numerous studies have tested its effects. Researchers have therefore largely concluded that it is an effective weight loss drug when combined with lifestyle changes.

The trials in question showed that in all cases, patients who took it achieved a greater reduction in weight and body fat than those in the control group.

– Study 1

“The efficacy of Orlistat 60mg on weight loss and body fat in US Army soldiers.”

A first study [3conducted as a randomized trial, involved 435 overweight adults.

They were given 60mg of Orlistat, three times a day with their main meals. At the same time, a control group received a placebo.

Both groups followed a healthy, low-fat diet throughout the six-month trial period.

The results obtained at the end of the experiment corresponded to weight loss right from the start in both groups.

The difference was mainly in the type of weight loss.

Volunteers in the placebo group lost lean body mass. Those in the Orlistat group, on the other hand, lost fat mass.

This trial shows that it is possible to lose weight naturally. However, it also shows that this drug could be useful for improving weight loss and preserving lean mass (muscle).

– Study 2

“Weight loss, weight maintenance, and improvement in cardiovascular risk factors after 2 years of obesity treatment with Orlistat.”

A second study [4examined its long-term effects and how it may affect weight gain.

The trial involved following a group of obese subjects for two years, divided into two groups, a placebo group and a group taking Orlistat. The latter group received 60 – 120mg daily.

All volunteers followed a low-calorie diet for the first year. They also followed a diet specially designed to maintain weight during the second year of the trial.

At the end of the trial, volunteers taking Orlistat recorded a significant increase in weight loss compared with the placebo group.

In addition, researchers found that Orlistat also helped prevent weight gain.

– Study 3

“Changes in body weight and serum lipid profile in obese patients treated with Orlistat combined with a low-calorie diet.”

We also cite this meta-review [5] which reviewed and discussed numerous trials carried out with the aim of determining the efficacy of this drug.

This review concerned only those trials in which the dose administered to volunteers was 120mg Orlistat three times a day.

Following this review, it was found that taking this drug in combination with a low-calorie diet led to significant improvements in blood cholesterol levels.

In all trial groups, there was also an improvement in weight loss in people taking this drug compared with those in the placebo or control groups.

In this case, this review seems to show that it is a useful weight-loss aid with only mild side-effects.

– Study 4

“Evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio of Orlistat in the treatment of obesity.”

Orlistat, an intestinal lipase inhibitor, is an obesity treatment that has been around for almost two decades.

In combination with a hypocaloric diet, treatment (for one year) results in a reduction in body weight of around 3 kg compared with a placebo [6].

It increases the probability of clinically significant weight loss (= 5%) by around 20%.

Induced weight loss also results in modest improvements in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and glycemic parameters.

Who should take Orlistat?

Orlistat should not be taken by everyone. It is recommended only for people with a BMI (body mass index) greater than 30.

Exceptionally, and in very specific cases, it may be prescribed for people with a BMI equal to or greater than 28.

The use of this medication should be a last resort after all possible solutions have been exhausted.

If, after three months’ use, you have not lost at least 5% of your initial weight, you should stop taking it.

How do I use Orlistat?

Orlistat is simple to use. And unlike other products, it does not require constant use.

The drug works by preventing the absorption of fat, so if a meal contains no fat, there’s no need to take it.

Tablets should be taken before or within an hour of eating a meal.

Users should follow a healthy, low-fat diet.

Orlistat prevents the absorption of fat. It may therefore reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

It is therefore recommended to take a daily supplement of vitamins A, D, E and K to avoid any deficiency.

This medication is generally available in 60 or 120mg pills.

The recommended dose is 120mg orally, three times a day with a main meal.

Calorie reduction is also recommended to aid weight loss.

Contraindications and precautions for using Orlistat

Pregnant and breast-feeding women, young people under 18, people suffering from cholestasis or malabsorption syndrome should never take it.

People taking anti-coagulants or oral medication for diabetes should consult a doctor.

Be particularly careful when taking contraceptive pills. Orlistat may neutralize their effect.

Common side effects of Orlistat

Side effects associated with Orlistat use are generally mild and self-limiting.

It is estimated that up to 20% of patients treated with Orlistat have experienced these side effects [7].

Decreased absorption of dietary fat and its subsequent expulsion is what causes the two main side effects. These are loose, oily stools and reduced absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Side effects relate almost exclusively to the intestine. They can be considerably improved or worsened by diet.

Side effects include increased flatulence, bloating and sometimes diarrhea (as fats remain in the intestine longer).

Where to buy Orlistat and in what form?

The two most popular drugs on sale today are :

  • Alli Alli: manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, this pill contains 60mg of Orlistat.
    It is available over the counter in pharmacies and can also be ordered online.
  • Xenical by Roche: this is a stronger version containing 120mg of Orlistat.
    To buy this medication, you need to consult your doctor. You cannot buy Xenical without a prescription.

On the other hand, there are many generic drugs, such as :

– Orlistat actavis

Orlistat medicine boxThis generic version is a weight-loss treatment that works by interfering with the enzymatic process in the intestine.

Every order placed online is checked by a qualified physician and prepared by a trusted pharmacy.

Once your order has been approved, it will be delivered within 24 hours to the address of your choice.

Orlistat actavis is 120mg. It is available in three formulas:

  • 84 capsules at $98
  • 168 capsules at $187
  • 252 capsules at $259

To find out more and order, visit our sales site.

– Orlistat Teva

orlistat-tevaOrlistat Teva is a slimming product that aids weight loss.

It is a generic drug from the Teva brand. It is packaged in capsules to be taken orally.

It promotes weight loss and reduces fat absorption.

It is indicated for overweight men and women aged 18 and over, with a BMI of 28 or over.

It should be used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet.

The recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day. Conditions of use, precautions and side effects are detailed in the product leaflet.

Orlistat Teva is available in two pack sizes:

  • 60 capsules at $29.03.
  • 120 capsules at $43.12.

To find out more and order, visit our sales site.

– Orlistat Sandoz

orlistat-sandozOrlistat Sandoz is another generic drug designed to help people aged 18 and over get rid of excess weight.

It should be taken as part of a low-calorie, low-fat diet by people with a BMI of 28 or more.

Orlistat Sandoz contains 60mg of orlistat. The recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day.

Orlistat Sandoz is available over the counter and without prescription in two pack sizes:

  • 84 capsules at $35.49.
  • 126 capsules at $45.49.

To find out more and order, visit the sales site.

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